Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Writing Assignment 4

Assignment  4

Q Your paper will be based on one of the course films or filmmakers of your choice. Develop a thesis concerning the critical and analytical issues related to style, genre, race, class, gender, sexuality, politics, capitalism, nation or other social/cultural issues as related to the film. Draw on articles, literature, interviews, historical studies and visual sources for your material. What You Need to Include in This Final Paper Proposal 1. Brief description (one-half page) of your proposed final research project, including its central argument or thesis. 2. In developing your thesis, see above paragraph for context and details 3. Bibliography including at least five sources 4. Length of Proposal: 1-page Length of Final Paper: 4- pages Format: MLA on BB Rubric: Posted on BB Due date: Monday, Important Dates 1. Paper topics must be approved by the Instructor. 2. Proposal for Final Paper Plus a Preliminary Bibliography due: Monday, January 17th. 3. Final Paper Due by Sunday, January 23rd.

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Ever since the origin, cinematography has served as a mirror of the society. Through the portrayal of various norms, opinions as well as traditions in cinema, it becomes possible to create an impression about the cultural and social tendencies of a given time period. The representation of women as well as sexuality has been constantly in a state of flux. It is steadily shifting from the start of the twentieth century till the twenty first century. With the passage of time, women claimed their freedom for social as well as sexual representation in films.